LEGAZPI CITY- Proxy by the Oriental welcomed the Lunar Chinese New Year 2023 with a galore of Chinese-inspired dishes, a fire dance show, and a dragon dance that began at 6 p.m. and lasted until 10 p.m. on January 21.

The Chinese New Year roars back to the Philippines following the unprecedented pandemic.
The Lunar New Year is the most widely recognized event in the world to have fun and form close ties with friends and family. It is celebrated for removing the bad and old and making way for the new and good. The year 2023 marks the year of the rabbit in the Chinese Zodiac.
Moreover, Proxy Oriental cheers to greet this spring festival in a loud and warm manner in hopes of attracting prosperity, peace, and longevity. Hopping into the Year of the Water Rabbit with them was made even more exciting with the dinner buffet and a glamorous venue.

But the celebrations of the Chinese New Year do not stop here, as everyone still has a chance to celebrate it until January 29.