CVO Legazpi doles out 3k pekin ducks to 250 farmers

LEGAZPI CITY- The City Veterinarian Office (CVO) of Legazpi City distributed 3,000 pekin ducks to 250 farmers in 10 barangays of the city from August to March this year.

In an interview with Bicol.PH, City Veterinarian Dr. Emmanuel Estipona said that the distribution of the pekin ducks is part of their two programs, the Government on Hunger Malnutrition Intervention and Expansion Food Program (GHIE-Food Program) that aims to increase the food security measure in the city and G-Project for poultry that aims for genetic improvement and enhancement.

“Kasi alam niyo kinakain ng mga pekin ducks ang kohol. We have a lot of problems with kohol infestation on the farms. [This will also] control the dengue mosquito (infection) larva because they eat dengue mosquito(s). We are shooting several birds with one stone here,” Estipona said.

Moreover, Estipona emphasized that pekin ducks can boost the profitability and the income of the farmers

“Ang kailangan natin is (to) genetically improve, why? We need to produce 90 kilos in 4 months and filificient. Ang ibig sabihin ng filificient ay kung ilang kilo ang binigay mong feeds dapat may corresponding weight yan na ibibigay. ‘Yung feed conversion efficiency, the lower the feed conversion efficiency the better.”

He also added that unlike native ducks, each pekin ducks can produce 300 eggs per year. With five female pekin ducks, a total of 1,500 eggs is produced annualy.

“Kailangan lang kasi maging committed sila na palakihin at alagaan ‘yung peking ducks,” he stated.

Meanwhile, Dr. Estipona also shared that they also gave pekin ducks to the children with special needs during the months of August and September last year.

“Naging therapy narin po ng mga bata at libangan kasi sila ang nagpapakain kahit naka wheelchair sila. At least my focus sila, hindi sila mabuburukot ng kalagayan nila. So malilibang po sila and of course therapy na,” he said. | Aimee Mae Gizelle Sesno & Jemimah So
