How did the hostage-takers gain access? De Lima family asks

Following the hostage-taking attempt on former Senator Leila de Lima inside the PNP custodial center in Camp Carme, Quezon City early morning today, her brother Vicente de Lima posted on facebook the following message.

“We are thankful that my sister Leila de Lima is safe after that incident. We pray for her safety and health. We pray too for the health and safety of the hospitalized. We pray for Leila’s immediate release from this most unjust detention. There are many questions left unanswered. For one, how did the hostage-takers gain access to Leila’s detention area? Above all, a bigger question needs to be answered – Why does the unjust detention of Leila continues with this new administration which speaks of Unity and Justice? The President and the DOJ Sec need to walk their talk. They need to do the right and just thing. The prosecution has no credible witnesses and has been wasting taxpayers’ money in prolonging this grave injustice against Leila.”


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