Despite not experiencing the EDSA revolution firsthand, Sylvester Lance Alcala, a 1st-year nursing student from Bicol University, recalled the story told by his father about seeing several tanks outside the St. Agnes Academy guarded by heavily armed military.
Alcala’s uncles and aunts, who were studying at Bicol University High School at that time, also saw tanks lined up right in front of Camp Ola.
Alcala said that his grandparents, who lived through the years of martial law under the administration of late dictator President Ferdinand Marcos, witnessed the grim military control, stirring fear among Filipinos.
His grandmother, an accountant during that time, had to be extra careful with her business transactions, fearing that they might be connected to people or things that were being targeted. Meanwhile, his grandfather, a former salesman, often mentioned that there were checkpoints everywhere, with armed soldiers stationed at every corner, especially during nightly curfew.
With stories unfolding the truth of the Marcos regime, Alcala understands that the freedoms and rights that Filipinos enjoy today are the direct results of the sacrifices made by those who fought for democracy during the revolution.
“I will take the lessons my family shared with me as an inspiration to be a good citizen and use my vote responsibly,” Alcala said.
His perspective highlights the importance of learning from history and recognizing that every election is an opportunity to safeguard democracy in the level of awareness and intelligence among the citizens, both within and outside the country.
Reflecting on the current state of political discourse, Faith Alyeno, a psychology student of Bicol University, points out how these freedoms allow Filipinos to express their political views openly, without fear of retaliation or censorship.
“If not for the EDSA revolution, we wouldn’t have the freedom of speech that we have now,” she said, reminding the responsibility of citizens in a democratic society.
Gabriel Octavo, a 1st-year Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Management student at STI College Legazpi, expressed that there is a great opportunity for the people to make a difference by choosing the right leaders.
Octavo believes it is important for people to remember and honor such a historical event, as it stands as a powerful testament to the strength of their voices. That serves as proof of how the country upholds democracy.
The revolution may have been a moment in history, but its legacy continues to shape the future of the Philippines. The reflections of students like Sylvester Lance Alcala, Faith Alieno, and Gabriel Octavo remind us that the revolutions that occurred are not confined to the past; they are a call to action for the present and future.
Meanwhile, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the son of late dictator President Marcos, declared February 25th, the anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution, as a Special Working Day in issued proclamation No.727—a complete turn of events since 1987.
This decision undermines the importance of the EDSA People Power Revolution. But despite the declaration, several universities and private schools in Bicol still suspended their classes to push back and commemorate the anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution.
The celebration of the EDSA People Power Revolution remains one of the most remarkable events in Philippine history. This bloodless movement, which led to the removal of the Ferdinand Marcos regime, symbolizes the victory of the Filipino people’s unity and determination to reclaim their freedom.
This is a legacy that will continue to inspire and be upheld by future generations. And a history that will never be forgotten by the Filipinos.I Nicole Castillo